Bomb Timer Plugin

:bomb: Bomb Timer Line v1.1 :bomb:

:scroll: Description

When you plant the C4, this plugin displays a moving line (>|) toward another line (|<<< C4). The distance between these two lines is determined by a cvar - mp_c4timer. When both lines collide, the C4 explodes! :tada:

:gear: Cvars:

  • btl_only_for_ts (1/0)
    • 1 - Only Terrorists will see the Timer Line
    • 0 - Everyone, including CTs, will see the Timer Line

Recommendation: Do not set mp_c4timer below 0 or above 50. This is just a recommendation! :+1:

:arrows_counterclockwise: Changes:

  • v0.7

    • Initial Release
  • v0.8

    • Optimized code (Switched to using switch instead of if/else, shortened code, used cvar pointer instead of get_cvar_num)
  • v0.9

    • Optimized code a little more
    • Fixed a glitch where new players joining the server couldn’t see the moving line
  • v1.0

    • Recoded the plugin, fixing numerous glitches
    • Now when the bomb explodes, the C4 text changes to [DEFUSED]/[BOMB] depending on which team won
  • v1.1

    • Fixed a glitch where if the bomb doesn’t explode but the round ends (and the server has a freeze time), the line still shows until freeze time ends.