Effortless Pterodactyl Setup: Automated Installer for Panel & Wings

Effortless Pterodactyl Setup: Automated Installer for Panel & Wings :rocket:

Looking for a hassle-free way to install Pterodactyl Panel and Wings? This automated installer makes it super simple! :tada: Whether you’re setting up the panel, wings, or both, this script has got you covered.

:hammer_and_wrench: How to Get Started?

Run this command in your terminal:

bash <(curl -s https://pterodactyl-installer.se)

This script supports Ubuntu 20.04 and handles everything automatically for you. :raised_hands:

:scroll: What Does the Script Do?

:bulb: After running the script, you’ll see the following options:

* [0] Install the panel  
* [1] Install Wings  
* [2] Install both [0] and [1] on the same machine (Wings script runs after panel)  
* [3] Install panel with the canary version of the script  
* [4] Install Wings with the canary version of the script  
* [5] Install both [3] and [4] on the same machine  
* [6] Uninstall panel or Wings (canary version)  

:white_check_mark: Example Use Case

For a Wings-only installation:
:one: Select option 2.
:two: Follow the prompts and provide the required inputs.
:three: Done! :tada:

The script will handle the rest for you, automating the process.

:warning: Important Notes

  • :gear: This script is not affiliated with the official Pterodactyl Project, but it’s a reliable tool for quick installations.
  • :test_tube: Canary versions may include experimental features, but they might also be less stable. Use them if you’re comfortable testing!

:speech_balloon: Need Help?

If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to reply below! :bulb: Let’s make server management easier together.

Happy hosting! :balloon: