Hud Server (Map + FPS + Players)

:desktop_computer: Multi-Style HUD Info Plugin Overview :desktop_computer:

Transform your gaming interface with the Multi-Style HUD Info Plugin! This simple yet powerful tool allows you to display a variety of information in stunning styles, making your gameplay experience more immersive and informative. :star2:

:earth_africa: Features:

  • Dynamic Multilingual Display: Show real-time information in multiple languages! :globe_with_meridians:
  • Customizable Information: Choose any data you want—tailor your HUD to fit your needs! :art:
  • Real-Time Stats: Keep track of:
    • Server FPS: Monitor your performance! :dash:
    • Time Left: Always know how much time is on the clock! :alarm_clock:
    • Player & Round Count: Stay informed about game dynamics! :bar_chart:
    • Current Server Time: Keep your game in sync! :clock3:

:video_game: Compatibility:

  • Runs on Any GoldSource (Half-Life 1) Engine Game: Seamless integration for countless classic games! :tada:

Elevate your HUD and take control of your game’s visuals and data with the Multi-Style HUD Info Plugin! :muscle: Customize, monitor, and dominate your games like never before! :trophy::sparkles:

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